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    Да вроде всегда они итальянцами были, принадлежали Корал Электроникс.(
    Ну а линейки они могут именовать для разных рынков по разному. Жаль, что они не «прижились» у нас на рынке, очень певучая акустика и за очень скромные деньги.

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      Дмитрий ЛОВКОВСКИЙ

      AllB+Music, итальянская компания Coral Electronics купила Indiana Line только в 2006 году. А сам бренд был создан достаточно давно в штате Юта.
      На сайте фирмы говорится: «The history of this enterprise was started by the Selectra company – the owner of the Revac brand – which decided to import to Italy the American Utah brand loudspeakers, known at the time for very affordable prices and excellent quality. At this point it should be added that in those days, importing loudspeakers in practice meant only importing parts, because making cabinets for the loudspeakers was much cheaper at location than importing complete products.

      The cost of transport for such a long distance (half the globe) was unacceptable. In practice, this was not an easy task at all, because strict production standards had to be followed to ensure all the variations of colour, finish and sometimes shape that can be found in the same model sold in different parts of the world, irrespective of whether it was Italy, France or Japan. This state was maintained until the late 1970s.

      At a certain point, the Utah brand was no longer able to keep prices in its country of origin and failed. In Italy however, the company Alcor, which took over from Selectra, decided to continue production, which was given a positive feedback. It continued to import parts, but also developed and produced new designs in Italy under the name Indiana Line. The choice of this name was, somehow, a sign of respect for the place where it all began, because Utah is the region in the USA where the presence of Indian tribes is the most concentrated. On the other hand, the name Indiana Line was also supposed to refer to high-quality products, then attributed only to Anglo-Saxon components.

      То есть все началось с американского бренда, продукцию которого завозили в Италию. Но бренд Indiana Line действительно возник, когда производство перенесли в Италию.

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    Дмитрий ЛОВКОВСКИЙ

    Владимир, это новое поколение старой линейки Tesi, просто они не стали это подчеркивать в названии моделей. А Diva — это другая серия.

  3. 1


    А в еропах они называются Diva , а Tesi старая линейка. Или это специально так обозвали?


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